What Could Your Child Become In The Game Of Life?

What Could Your Child Become

In The Game Of Life?

Joey & Carla Link

May 8, 2019

Do you help your kids dream about growing up?

  • What could your child do when he sets out on his own?
  • What could he/she become?


I had a newspaper route when I was growing up in Southern California. When I was around 14, I was collecting money from a customer. As she was paying her bill, she asked me, “Joey, what do you think you could become one day?” She didn’t ask me what I wanted to do in life, but what I wanted to become.


Many boys would have answered they wanted to be a fireman, or a professional ball player and girls would have said they wanted to get married and have kids or be a teacher or nurse. But those are things you do. Who you become has to do with your inner self.


This lady’s question sticks with me even to this day because it keeps me looking ahead, thinking I can still work towards becoming more Christ-like versus looking backwards to what I might have missed out on in life or second guessing my career choices.


It can be difficult for Moms to keep looking forward when another week whizzes by and you have barely gotten started on your week’s to-do list. We encourage you to keep your sights on the most important goal. What is it?


Your kids will get through school. They will get the flu and break a bone or two, making the doctor’s office or ER room seem like your home away from home. They will find other things to do instead of their chores and forget to do their homework on a regular basis, but grow up they will, and they will become young adults ready to begin the game of life.


So, ultimately, in the eternal picture of life, what really matters? I think the apostle John tells us in his 3rdletter. Verse 4 says,


I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”


John is talking about his spiritual children who are walking in faith despite difficult circumstances, but the goal is the same for us. When your kids are grown and have left home, you will have no greater joy than to know your children are going to church and walking in the faith, reading their bibles, praying and seeking how they can serve their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Our children are grown and both of us often ask them what they learned in church that week or how they are growing through their Quiet Times with God. Are they surprised that as adults they are getting these questions from us? No, they aren’t. In fact they expect us to ask. Why? Because we have asked them the same questions their entire lives.


We recently spent a few days with our grandchildren. Joey had Bible Time with them in the mornings. It is always a joy to see the three oldest sitting on the arms of the recliner or in his lap as he reads from the Bible. He asks them many questions about the story he read and ends the time with this statement that each of them answers.


“Tell me one thing you can do today to use what we just learned.”


When Joey talks to anyone, asking about their faith is a part of who he is. He has a gift for sharing who God is and how He wants us to live with kids and teens. That served him well during his many years serving as a youth pastor before moving into family ministry. Last night I (Carla) got a message from a gal who was in our youth group over 35 years ago. Imagine that! She said,


“I always think of you and Joey fondly, and how God used both of you to bring me closer to Him

to this very day.  It is difficult to put into words my love and gratitude to you for

all the time and love you poured into my life.


Are you wondering how to help your children grow in Jesus? Ask them often, “Tell me one thing you can do today with what you learned in your devotions/Quiet Time.”This statement makes them think about what they could do and decide how to do it. If you do this on a regular basis, your kids will grow in living the way Jesus wants them to and when they are adults it will be a part of who they are becoming.