Month: January 2021
My Kids Don’t Make Good Choices, What Can I Do?
By Joey and Carla LinkJanuary 27, 2021 One of the greatest frustrations a parent faces is when their kids do the same wrong behavior again and again and again. For us, it was the laundry. Carla washed and folded it and put the clothes in each of our kids’ baskets for them to put away. We didn’t…
Training Your Kids’ Hearts
By Joey and Carla LinkJanuary 26, 2022 Your kids are not always going to be kind to each other. They are not always going to be patient and let one of their siblings go first. One kid will do his/her chores while singing at the top of his lungs while one of your other kids…
“Really, Did You Just Do That?!”
By Joey and Carla Link January 20, 2021 Think for a moment, how many times have you either said these phrases to your kids or thought them? “Please move over so they can get by.” “Can’t you see you are in people’s way?” “Why didn’t you hold the door for those older people?” “Quit running!…
Are You a Growing Parent?
By Joey and Carla LinkJanuary 6, 2021 Recently a dad shared with us this story about his young son. Dad gave his son a cup full of juice (no lid) and the child begged him to let him carry it to the table himself. I can hear the groans from every mom reading this! In the…