Month: May 2022
Knowing the ‘Why’
By Joey and Carla LinkMay 25, 2022 Does your child know why he needs to hold your hand when you are getting ready to cross a street? Do your kids know why they need to ask permission before they go out in the yard? Do your kids know why you think it is a big…
When Sorry Isn’t Enough
By Joey and Carla LinkMay 11, 2022 When our son was about 12 years old, we were struggling with an on-going behavior issue with him. We kept talking to him and dealt with his refusal to obey consistently. One day, out of frustration, I (Joey) said to him “You need to admit you are wrong”…
Training Your Children’s Hearts
By Joey and Carla LinkMay 5, 2021 Your kids are squabbling at the breakfast table. Again. With a deep sigh you go in to intervene, not really caring who started it as they are all guilty. You long for a day that starts in peace and quiet. Is it really too hard for your kids…
Do Your Kids Know How to Pray?
By Joey and Carla LinkMay 4, 2022 Have you taught your kids how to pray? As parents, we try to teach our kids healthy eating and sleeping habits so they’re able to develop properly. In the same way, we hope you’re teaching your kids how to talk to God and helping them develop a healthy…