Author: Joey & Carla Link

  • Got Toddlers?!

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 2, 2021 WHAT IS “NORMAL” BEHAVIOR FOR TODDLERS? While behaviors such as throwing fits, being demanding, controlling you with his whims, talking in very loud voices, wanting Mama and no one else but Mama, are normal and to be expected, parents still need to deal with them. A toddler will let you know that…

  • Are You A Babywise Mom

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 26, 2021 Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • Why Do We Lecture Our Kids?

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 19, 2021 When parents lecture, they think they are helping their children by reminding them of the training and teaching they have given them. We don’t think there is a parent alive who is going to say lectures get their child to make wise decisions and be responsible. Lecturing is just a polite way of yelling at your…

  • Talking the Language of Love

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 12, 2021 Your child is cranky all the time and you can’t figure out why. He obeys most of the time, he/she gets their stuff done on time and they are doing well in school. He just doesn’t seem happy or like he is in a good mood. If you came to us…

  • Spring Cleaning

    By Joey and Carla LinkApril 28 2021 In our community, we always looked forward to neighborhood spring cleanup days. On these days, a person could get rid of furniture and other items you no longer want, setting stuff out in front of your house on a specific day and then the city cleanup crews would…

  • Can Your Kids Trust You?

    By Joey and Carla LinkApril 21, 2021 A young mom was struggling with her parents. They had promised her they would help her pay off a financial debt she had incurred while going to school. But when it came time to make good on their promise, they didn’t step forward. They later told her they totally…

  • Trust is the Key to our Child’s Emotional Security

    By Joey and Carla LinkApril 14, 2021 My (Carla’s) roommates and I piled into Prudence, the name we all gave the pink and white 1957 Ford my grandparents loaned me during my college years. They lived about 30 minutes from the university we attended, and my roommates loved visiting them with me. We did our…

  • Dealing with a Proud Child

    By Joey & Carla Link April 7, 2021 Do your kids get big heads? Do they think they know more than you do? Do they walk around with their chest puffed out showing a proud, conceited, arrogant heart? Do you have a child who is in the habit of bossing others around, telling them what to do…

  • What Are Your Kids Growing?

    By Joey and Carla Link March 31, 2021 I (Joey) looked out the window and saw that the snow had melted and I was surprised to see fresh green grass popping up today. Now that spring has sprung, I started to wonder what is cropping up in the hearts of kids? What new influences could be starting to…

  • Good Pride vs. Bad Pride

    By Joey and Carla LinkMarch 24, 2021 Good Pride – “Satisfaction in a job well done that took a lot of effort.”Bad Pride – “When a person believes he or she is better than others and knows more than everyone else, or when a person believes he is capable of something he really isn’t.”I (Carla) spent several months…