Author: Joey & Carla Link

  • Training Your Child’s Temperament

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 20, 2022 “Train up a child in the way he should go;even when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 Parents have hung on to this verse from Proverbs for dear life, hoping and praying their kids will “not depart” from the way they have trained and taught…

  • Others First!

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 13, 2022 Have you ever told your kids to treat others as they want to be treated? Perhaps we should ask, “How many times over the years have you told your kids to treat others the way they want to be treated?! Do you know this phrase has a title…

  • Kids, Get Self-Control!

    By Joey & Carla LinkJuly 6, 2022 When you tell your kids to get self-control, what are you specifically telling them to do? Do your kids know? Maybe instead of saying “Don’t speak to me that way!” you might try “You need to control the tone you speak to me with. What is it about…

  • Teaching Your Kids About the 4th of July

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 29, 2022 You think your kids will learn about the 4th of July and what it means in school. But exactly what are they learning about it? In public schools, it is hard to tell what is being taught about anything. Often, it is someone’s opinion about a historical event rather…

  • Summer at Home

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 22, 2022 Summer is a kid’s delight! They look forward to the end of school with anticipation. It is not long however, before many moms are counting the days until school starts again, even if they homeschool. Why? With school comes routine. Let me ask you this – what do…

  • Is There One Thing Above All JesusWants All Dads to Do?

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 15, 2022 Have you wondered what kind of Father Jesus would be if He had married and had children before His death? He gave us some insights when he said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven…

  • How Strong are Your Expectations?

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 1, 2022 How do you stop a child from arguing with you? It is very frustrating when you give your child an instruction and they argue with you. Your first impulse is to argue back and that quickly gets you into a power struggle. How do your kids build a…

  • Knowing the ‘Why’

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 25, 2022 Does your child know why he needs to hold your hand when you are getting ready to cross a street? Do your kids know why they need to ask permission before they go out in the yard? Do your kids know why you think it is a big…

  • When Sorry Isn’t Enough

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 11, 2022 When our son was about 12 years old, we were struggling with an on-going behavior issue with him. We kept talking to him and dealt with his refusal to obey consistently. One day, out of frustration, I (Joey) said to him “You need to admit you are wrong”…

  • Training Your Children’s Hearts

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 5, 2021 Your kids are squabbling at the breakfast table. Again. With a deep sigh you go in to intervene, not really caring who started it as they are all guilty. You long for a day that starts in peace and quiet. Is it really too hard for your kids…