Year: 2016


    FINGERPRINTS BY JOEY & CARLA LINK February 2016 I was watching a police drama show on television and was intrigued by how the police were so focused on fingerprinting an entire crime scene to determine who had been there to solve the crime. I got to thinking what kind of fingerprints have we left on…

  • Parents’ Warning Signs

    Parents’ Warning Signs   by Joey & Carla Link January 2016   We were driving home from a ministry trip to the East Coast and after driving through several toll booths, I saw a bright yellow pedestrian sign warning drivers as they went through the toll booths to be careful of pedestrians. I thought they must…

  • Teaching Your Kids to Obey the Government

    Teaching Your Kids to Obey the Government by Joey & Carla Link January 2016 We flew into Los Angeles Airport and caught the bus to get our rental car. As the driver was taking us to the rental car location, he was being flagged down by another customer and his young family. The bus driver…