Author: Nathan Carpenter

  • Dealing with a Lying Child

    Dealing with a Lying Child Joey and Carla Link May 2016 When our kids were growing up they each had their own bath towels. Carla assigned each of them their own color of towel, an easy way for her to keep track of them. I remember holding in my hand the towel of one of…


    A MOTHER’S LEGACY Carla Link May 2016 I was in high school when my father left my Mom with three teenage girls. It was not common for Christian church-going families to split apart back in the 70’s and fellow church-goers didn’t know what to do with us. (I know, I’m old!) Mostly they ignored us…

  • Who’s in Control?

    Who’s in Control? Joey and Carla Link ©April 2016 Authority – there are those who think this is an unnecessary word in parenting. Is it? Ephesians 6:1 says: “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” What does obey mean? “To be ruled or controlled by…” is what Webster’s Dictionary says. Well…

  • Who Are Your Kids Associating With? by Joey & Carla Link ©April 2016 I remember the day Carla told me about two teenage girls who knocked at our door and asked “Is Michael there?” These girls were dressed in a way no mother would want her son to be looking at. Thankfully, Michael wasn’t home.…

  • Rose-Colored Glasses or God-Glasses?

    Rose-Colored Glasses or God-Glasses? by Joey and Carla Link ©March 2016 In case you’re wondering, it is normal for kids (especially when they hit the early teen years), to put on rose-colored glasses and do things that just don’t make sense. Your boys take off on a bike ride with their friends without asking permission.…

  • Celebrating Easter

    Celebrating Easter  Joey & Carla Link        © March 2016  Spring is just around the corner, although for many of us, the normal winter weather has yet to appear! While Christmas is a wonderful time to teach our children about the blessed gift of Jesus Christ, families often get caught off-guard in the springtime, and…

  • Quality Time or Quantity Time

    Quality Time or Quantity Time        Joey & Carla Link        © March 2016 What is more important, to spend quality time or quantity time with you kids? This question has been around for years. We can make a case for both, but we are fairly certain you can too so we aren’t going to…

  • Does Your Child Have A GPS?

    Does Your Child Have A GPS? Joey and Carla Link February 2016   As a young man in boy scouts, I learned to read maps as we went backpacking in the High Sierra Mountains. It was essential to know which trail to take to get to our destination. Today, reading and learning to interpret maps…


    FINGERPRINTS BY JOEY & CARLA LINK February 2016 I was watching a police drama show on television and was intrigued by how the police were so focused on fingerprinting an entire crime scene to determine who had been there to solve the crime. I got to thinking what kind of fingerprints have we left on…

  • Parents’ Warning Signs

    Parents’ Warning Signs   by Joey & Carla Link January 2016   We were driving home from a ministry trip to the East Coast and after driving through several toll booths, I saw a bright yellow pedestrian sign warning drivers as they went through the toll booths to be careful of pedestrians. I thought they must…