Year: 2019

  • The Water Park

    The Water Park Joey and Carla Link July 24, 2019 Have you taken your kids to a water park or the beach this year? There is no better place to evaluate your 11-15 year old sons to see where their eyes wander and what they do to bring them under control. Not exactly what you…

  • Influencing Siblings

    Influencing Siblings Joey and Carla Link July 17, 2019 Follow the leader is a popular game for kids to play. Who are they following in your home? For siblings, the guidance of an older sibling is a powerful influence! This is why we often tell parents to work on the older one first and younger siblings will learn what to do…

  • Who Is Influencing Your Kids?

    Who Is Influencing Your Kids? Joey and Carla Link July 10, 2019 Who has the most influence on your kids? Every parent thinks they are the biggest influence in their kids’ lives and that is certainly true with young children. But as they grow older, that can change. Have you considered how much time you actually…

  • Remembering

    Remembering By Joey & Carla Link July 3, 2019   You see all these TV commercials about getting your DNA tested to see who your ancestors are. Joey doesn’t have to do that as his mother kept journals written by her great-grandfather, birth certificates and pictures that were left to her. James Cotton, Joey’s great…

  • Summer Jobs

    Summer Jobs Joey and Carla Link June 26, 2019  “Workaholism” is the Millennials new religion where work is what they live for. This was the conclusion one study on this topic came to: “Millennials don’t dread Monday mornings and they can work 12-14 hour days and longer. They are called the “hustle culture”. They are…

  • “Life’s NOT Fair!” 

    “Life’s NOT Fair!” Joey & Carla Link June 19, 2019   My (Joey) siblings were a few years older than me so they got to do things that sounded like a lot of fun but I wasn’t allowed to tag along. One time they got to go Christmas caroling with the church youth group in…

  • What are Your Kids “Catching” From You, Dad?

    What are Your Kids “Catching” From You, Dad? Joey and Carla Link June 12, 2019 Our son is the father of four young children. On a visit with them recently, I (Joey) had a flashback to a time when I was raising him. He was not happy with us about something and emphatically said he…

  • How Are Your Child’s Management Skills?

    How Are Your Child’s Management Skills? Joey and Carla Link June 5, 2019 Do you have a child who tells his/her siblings when to get their stuff picked up, to get their homework done before computer game time and get their things ready for soccer practice yet have none of these things done herself? Ah,…


    SUMMER TIME! Joey and Carla Link May 29, 2019   The Beach Boys’ popular song “We’ve Been Having Fun All Summer Long” is what kids and teens eagerly anticipate the month of May. Kids assume no school time = play time.   That may have been the way it was when Carla and I were…

  • Memorials

    Memorials Joey & Carla Link May 22, 2019   We all need reminders/memorials of who God is, what He has done for us and how much He loves us. When trials come for your children when they are adults, these markers will strengthen them, reminding them of God’s faithfulness to your family when they were…