Summer Jobs
Joey and Carla Link
June 26, 2019
“Workaholism” is the Millennials new religion where work is what they live for. This was the conclusion one study on this topic came to: “Millennials don’t dread Monday mornings and they can work 12-14 hour days and longer. They are called the “hustle culture”. They are obsessed with striving relentlessly, devoid of humor. “Rise and Grind” is their theme and way of life.”
Why do young adults live for work? They have lost the vision God gives us for a satisfied and content life and therefore have lost sight of the fact that God promises to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19).God also expects us to seek Him first and then He will give us everything we need (Matthew 6:33).He gives us work as a tool to build our character and supply our needs.
Summer jobs are great opportunities for kids to earn money. Teens look for summer jobs to earn extra spending money or to put it away to help with college expenses. Do your kids understand the value of work? Workaholismcan start with summer jobs that become after-school jobs and more. When all your teen can think about is work and the money he/she is making, all else including family life and God get put on the back burner. The time to combat this is before your kid gets his first paying job. That is when you need to teach your kids how to use money properly before they spend it on whatever looks good to them in that moment instead of learning to save some too.
Key questions for parents to work on with your kids about having a job:
1. Do your kids know how to work?
2. Can they balance work with other duties, family and responsibilities?
3. Do they pray and ask God for the job He wants them to have, even if it is just a summer job?
4. Do your kids know how to work with a good attitude and hustle knowing they are representing their Heavenly Father just like their actions and attitude represent your family?
5. Do they see their job as an opportunity for them to be a positive representative of their Heavenly Father to their fellow employees and others around them?
6. Do they thank God for the job they have and the money they earn from it?
7. Do they honor God with their money they receive from their job by tithing?
8. Do they know how to handle money God’s way? If not there are plenty of resources available that will teach them to do so. (Dave Ramsey and his daughter have written a series on how to handle money for kids.)
Carla and I both were raised with a strong work ethic which we wanted to pass down to our kids.
Our rule was our kids could not work for anyone else until they put forth their best effort with a good attitude in the jobs we had for them to do at home.
One goal we had was to teach our kids how to work and earn money so when they got to college they looked for a career where they could earn money that would provide for their needs and would allow them time to serve the Lord. We always want them to be thinking about ways they can serve God in addition to all the other responsibilities they have.
This Week’s Question: In today’s young “have to have it all” generation;
How are you helping your kids learn about money, work and using them both to bring glory and honor to Jesus?