Month: April 2020

  • Is Your Child’s Love Tank Full?

    Is Your Child’s Love Tank Full? Joey & Carla Link April 29, 2020 No amount of discipline will be effective if a child’s emotional needs are not being met.  Are you having trouble discerning your child’s love language needs?  The following are some examples of how a young child would demonstrate his/her love. Is she always telling…

  • Getting Chores Done

    Getting Chores Done Joey & Carla Link April 22, 2020   Teaching your children to work isn’t the easiest task for parents. While it will determine how successful your child’s future will be, when he/she is whining or arguing with you about doing their chores, all you can think of is next time just do…

  • Enjoying Your Family

    Enjoying Your Family   Joey & Carla Link April 15, 2020 To enjoy one’s family is a desire every Dad has. But at the same time, it’s one of the greatest fears and scariest challenges for a Dad. He constantly wonders what he needs to do to make his family happy and feel like they…

  • Easter Joy

    Easter Joy Joey & Carla Link April 8, 2020 Too many times we hear parents say they are too busy to train or spiritually teach their kids because of all the activities and events going on in life. Now that you are all home together, it’s a great opportunity to pass your faith and what…

  • Living in Fear

    Living in Fear Joey and Carla Link April 1, 2020 The coronavirus has changed everyone’s life. It has made us look at everyone we come into contact with, wondering if they are infected or not. While urban cities are being hit harder than rural areas, that does not erase the global influence or impact of…