Month: September 2021

  • You Do You!

    By Joey and Carla LinkSeptember 29, 2021 “You do you.” is a very popular saying today. It means you are going to do what is right for you, whether it is right for anyone else. You do what you want and what makes you happy. But what happens if your son sees his sister building…

  • Self-Control is for Kids and Parents Too!

    By Joey and Carla LinkSeptember 22, 2021 Many years ago this week, Joey & I became parents. We still remember it as the day parenting became a part of our lives forever. No looking back. No “What if’s?” As empty nesters, while we may no longer be actively parenting, we are still parents. We still get Mother’s Day and Father’s Day…


    By Joey and Carla LinkSeptember 8, 2021 Do you ever feel discouraged in your parenting? Do you feel like giving in or backing off from raising your children to be obedient, loving, patient, and kind because it is just too hard?  The next time this happens, perhaps you will think of this story. There was a…

  • How is Your Crop Growing?

    By Joey and Carla LinkSeptember 1, 2021 Recently Carla and I were driving by some corn fields and we talked about all the work a farmer puts in to get those corn plants from seeds in the ground to the tasty, sweet corn on our tables. From the off-season planning, to working on the equipment…