Month: July 2022

  • When Kids Need Encouragement

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 27, 2022 Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • Training Your Child’s Temperament

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 20, 2022 “Train up a child in the way he should go;even when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 Parents have hung on to this verse from Proverbs for dear life, hoping and praying their kids will “not depart” from the way they have trained and taught…

  • Others First!

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 13, 2022 Have you ever told your kids to treat others as they want to be treated? Perhaps we should ask, “How many times over the years have you told your kids to treat others the way they want to be treated?! Do you know this phrase has a title…

  • Kids, Get Self-Control!

    By Joey & Carla LinkJuly 6, 2022 When you tell your kids to get self-control, what are you specifically telling them to do? Do your kids know? Maybe instead of saying “Don’t speak to me that way!” you might try “You need to control the tone you speak to me with. What is it about…