Year: 2017
Christmas through the Eyes of a Child
Christmas through the Eyes of a Child Joey & Carla Link December 2017 Have you looked at Christmas through your child’s eyes? For the toddler it’s new shiny objects to pull off a tree or bows and paper to tear off presents, not that they know what presents even are. Then there is…
Hope Joey & Carla Link November 15, 2017 There were many times in our parenting journey when we were discouraged and wondered how we could teach on parenting. I specifically remember the time we walked into our host’s home before we were teaching in their church and one of the first things I…
Grateful Kids
Grateful Kids Joey & Carla Link November 1, 2017 “What does it take to get grateful kids? It doesn’t matter what they get, they always want more.” Have you ever thought this about your kids? I know there are times I thought this about mine. At those times I (Carla) would wonder how grateful…
What Identifies Your Family
What Identifies Your Family? Joey and Carla Link October 2017 Family is a group of people who have special meaning in our lives. They are the backbone of support, personal cheerleaders, teachers, counselors, and anything else we might need. Do you know the divorce rate in the church now almost equals the rate for…
This Little Light of Mine
This Little Light of Mine By Joey and Carla Link September 22, 2017 We remember singing a song as children titled “This Little Light of Mine.” As we sang we held up our index fingers and twirled them around. The second verse is “Hide it under a bushel, No! I’m gonna let it shine.”…
When Trouble Comes, Are Your Kids Ready?
When Trouble Comes, Are Your Kids Ready? by Joey and Carla Link September 6, 2017 Driving home from a family camp 13 years ago today, a man fell asleep and lost control of his vehicle. He hit us, throwing us over a guardrail. Even though I (Carla) was wearing a seat belt, I was…
What Are You Filling Your Kids’ Spiritual Backpacks With?
What Are You Filling Your Kids’ Spiritual Backpacks With? Joey and Carla Link August 23, 2017 It’s back to school time! It can cause anxiety for kids – going to a new class, new school or moving up a grade. Other kids can’t wait for the next grade. Many parents can’t wait for school to…
It’s Summer!
It’s Summer! Joey and Carla Link August 9 2017 It’s already August! Is your family enjoying time together and perhaps with grandparents? It is so hot here in the Midwest everyone is talking about finding a beach! Is that in your summer plans? The stores here are putting out school supplies. I’m thinking “School supplies,…
Training Your Child’s Bent
Training Your Child’s Bent Joey and Carla Link July 12, 2017 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Parents have hung on to this verse from Proverbs for dear life, hoping and praying their kids will “not depart…
My Child Lies
My Child Lies Joey and Carla Link June 2017 Is there anything worse than your child lying to you? It’s hard to stay calm. I was talking to a parent recently who found out her child lied to them when Mom was talking to a friend and heard what her child said to her…