Month: September 2019

  • Integrity

    Integrity Joey and Carla Link September 25, 2019   Every child loves a good Bible story. They hear the story and often see it as a great adventure. What little ones don’t see and can’t see is the integrity of the men who are God’s heroes in these stories. As your kids get older, do…

  • Transforming Your Child

      Transforming Your Child Joey and Carla Link September 18, 2019 I (Joey) was sitting with my grandson watching him transform his “Bee” from the movie “Bumblebee” into a car (Volkswagen bug). It took me back to when my own son played with transformers. I am still in awe how he could (and now my…

  • May We Never Forget  

    May We Never Forget   Joey and Carla Link September 11th, 2019   Every year when September 11 rolls around, I remember a UPS man coming to our home to deliver some packages and he asked me if I saw what happened in New York City. He asked me to turn on the news so…

  • Are Your Kids Okay with Being“Different”?

    Are Your Kids Okay with Being“Different”? Joey and Carla Link September 4, 2019   Do you remember playing “Follow the Leader” when you were a kid? We had one guy who liked to be the leader and if we didn’t walk exactly like him or twist and configure our bodies just like he did, he…