Take Time for a Mom Recess!
Joey & Carla Link
May 6, 2020
When Moms are in the trenches with their kids, either all day or after work, it can sometimes seem like plowing through 6 feet of mud. In these times it’s easy to lose perspective, especially when you’ve had
a bad day either at work, with a friend or with a child who has tested your patience.

You can feel melancholy and discouraged not knowing if you are doing what is right or even making a difference in a child’s life, let alone being a good wife. What can you do to regain perspective?
Take a Recess! When kids go to school, they go out for recess. We often think this is only for kids, but it’s also for the teacher. Teachers need a break from their students in-between subjects to take a deep breath and refocus their energy on what’s next on the schedule. Mom’s need recess too; even if it’s only for 10-15 minutes to catch a break, refocus and if necessary, to regain perspective. How can you take a recess when you have little ones running around?
Put young kids in a playpen or on blanket time in their rooms and give them something they like to do to play with. Older kids can finish morning chores or be assigned to do something that will keep them occupied for that time. Have them go to separate places so they aren’t interacting with each other. Let them know you can’t be interrupted until the timer goes off, and keep the door to your bedroom ajar to hear if you are needed. Just as kids don’t come in from recess until the bell rings, 10 -15 minutes of uninterrupted time can be like taking a shower in the morning. It can and should be a time to settle down your emotions when you are having a bad day, and a refreshing break when your day is going fine.
What can you do in 10 minutes?
- Make a cup of tea
- Read 1-2 chapters of a book
- Have your devotions
- Catch up on social media
- Take a shower
- Pick up a room so you feel like you have your house back.
LIFELINE: Every person has a lifeline friend. Whether it is your mother, sister, mentor or a special friend, contact the one who seems to have the right words to say to give you perspective when you are blinded by hurtful or negative emotions. Sometimes you just need to vent and that is okay too. Give them a quick call or text to share your burden, craziness of life or the funniest or silly thing your child did or said that day. See what words of wisdom or laughter they might have to encourage you along the way.
GOAL: Remember your calling and the goals you have for training your children. God called you to be a mother, just like He called Mary to be Jesus’ mother, when he allowed you to become pregnant with each child you have. When He created each of your children He decided you were the very best person in the entire world to raise him/her. God has a plan for each child He chooses to give you. Your job is to share with your kids how to live for Him here on this earth so they can bring glory to His name and others will come to know Him as a result.
HOW? You do this by living out these words – “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (I Corinthians 11:1) Your kids will pick up so much more from what they see you do versus what you tell them to do, so live like Christ so they will see Christ in and through you. Even on your bad days.
Tell your kids, “I do this because this is how Jesus wants me to live.” When you are having a bad day, tell your kids “I shouldn’t have done that and I have already confessed that to Jesus and asked His forgiveness and now I am asking for yours.” This will teach them what true repentance is more than anything you can show or tell them to do.
Being a mom may not always be easy, but it is one of the most rewarding roles in life. When you are in your senior years of life, the relationship you have with your children and grandchildren and the joy in seeing them raise their own kids with honor and purpose will mean more to you than any task you completed, book you read or time you spent on your phone.
When Mary saw her son Jesus, the Son of God hanging on the cross for the sins of the world, I am certain her heart was in pain and agony knowing He was suffering such a painful and public death for something He didn’t deserve. But she also had fulfilled satisfaction knowing her son did what God wanted Him to do and He changed the world forever. Because of what Jesus did for us, we have eternal life.
Pray and thank God for your children and the blessing and privilege you have to be a Mom. Then ask God for wisdom on how to train your kids so they will want to bring favor and glory to Him.