Joey and Carla Link
January 29, 2025

Extroverts and Introverts, which one are you? Talk about opposites! Since opposites attract, you often have an extroverted spouse and an introverted spouse living together, which often causes tension in the marriage relationship. Joey has to go, go, go to relax. When we plan a trip for ourselves, his first question is “What are we going to do while we are there?”, even though he knows my hopeful response will be, “Read a book and nap?”
People who are extroverts tend to be talkative, social, busy, and are energized by being around people. On the other hand, people who are introverts are quiet, reserved, like to have time alone, and are sensitive to their own feelings and those of others.
When talking about temperaments, there are 2 which can be introverted and 2 which are extroverted. The Choleric temperament can be as outgoing and the center of attention as the Sanguine. There is one major difference between these two. The Sanguine is outgoing and social and any introverted behaviors on his part are learned, where the Choleric picks and chooses when he wants to be social and talkative.
Those with the Melancholy temperament are deep thinkers and they need peace and quiet to think. On the other hand, when others are not meeting their expectations or they are passionate about something, they can be so verbal and excited about it you will think they are extroverts! Those with the Phlegmatic temperament are loners and don’t need a lot of friends. They tend to observe rather than participate in activities and such.
Do you want to know more? The 4-week Zoom class, “How Temperaments Impact You, Your Spouse & Your Kids” starts on Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 at 7:30 pm CST. Joey and I wrote this material and are the teachers on the video portion of the class. Class participants need to stream the video teaching at home and answer a few questions in the accompanying workbook each week. During the class time, Joey and I add additional teaching but it is mostly for class discussion.
The last week of class is about the temperaments that have an introverted parent dealing with a choleric son and so on. It gives you insight on how to deal with a child that is your complete opposite.
Class starts on Feb. 24! To register for the class, click here. Watch the trailer, then you’ll see right under it “register for the class”. We hope to see you there!
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Psalm 139:14
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