Author: Joey & Carla Link

  • The “Preciousness of Others” Can Be A Reality in Your Home

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 14, 2021 Have you ever heard the term “the preciousness of others”? We learned we needed to work on this principle with our kids in the parenting class “Growing Kids God’s Way”. So how can you teach your kids to think of others as “precious”? “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in…

  • Summer Routine

    By Joey and Carla LinkJuly 7, 2021 We often talk about routine on the Parenting Made Practical social media sites. Nothing is predictable when you have a houseful of children, regardless of their age. Every day can be disorganized, hectic and tiring. There is no sense of accomplishment, except Mom made it to bed at the end of the day and…

  • Summertime Days

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 30, 2021 Summer is a kid’s delight! They look forward to the end of school with anticipation. It is not long however, before many moms are counting the days until school starts again, even if they homeschool. Why? With school comes routine.In On Becoming Babywise (or GFI Preparation for Parenting), parents learn that their babies sleep through…

  • Wishful Thinking

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 23, 2021 It is summer, a time everyone looks forward to. The kids get a break from school and families are busy planning vacations, holidays and fun things to do. Don’t you wish you could say to your kids, “Mom is so looking forward to getting a break this summer too!…

  • Dads, Do You Know How to be a Hero?

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 16, 2021 When Dads start having kids, many think taking care of them is their wife’s duty and they are there to provide the money their family needs to function. They don’t know what to do when their kids cry or whine, or won’t do what they tell them to…

  • Giving Your Kids the Selfish Test

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 9, 2021 We are sure at one time or another, you have had a child who says “NO!” to you. Not the toddlers who just learned the word, but a 5 year-old who defiantly looks you in the eye and says “NO, I am not doing it!” At 10 years…

  • Got Toddlers?!

    By Joey and Carla LinkJune 2, 2021 WHAT IS “NORMAL” BEHAVIOR FOR TODDLERS? While behaviors such as throwing fits, being demanding, controlling you with his whims, talking in very loud voices, wanting Mama and no one else but Mama, are normal and to be expected, parents still need to deal with them. A toddler will let you know that…

  • Are You A Babywise Mom

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 26, 2021 Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • Why Do We Lecture Our Kids?

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 19, 2021 When parents lecture, they think they are helping their children by reminding them of the training and teaching they have given them. We don’t think there is a parent alive who is going to say lectures get their child to make wise decisions and be responsible. Lecturing is just a polite way of yelling at your…

  • Talking the Language of Love

    By Joey and Carla LinkMay 12, 2021 Your child is cranky all the time and you can’t figure out why. He obeys most of the time, he/she gets their stuff done on time and they are doing well in school. He just doesn’t seem happy or like he is in a good mood. If you came to us…