Author: Joey & Carla Link

  • Why Should You Put in the Time to Get Your Kids to Obey the First Time?

    Meagan Ramer May 15, 2024 My husband, Eddie and I first heard about “First Time Obedience” in the parenting class, Growing Kids God’s Way. It seemed like a wonderful idea and I thought I could require it from our kids without any problem.  However, it began to feel unattainable when I started, unsuccessfully, to get my children…

  • Showing God to the World

    Beccy Jackson May 8, 2024 During our 20 years of teaching the parenting class Growing Kids God’s Way, my husband and I always looked for ways to show our girls what God looked and felt like. It was our goal for the parents who took classes with us to have a glimpse of that too. The most…

  • Parenting as Partners

    Shelly Howard May 1, 2024 When our kids were almost five and two years, we were introduced to Growing Kids God’s Way and shortly after, the Mom’s Notes. Up to that point, we thought we had what Joey and Carla referred to in the Mom’s Notes as a philosophy for parenting our kids. I guess we thought we would intuitively…

  • Think, Think, Think

    Help Your Children Learn to Take Ownership  of Their Thinking Barbara Cheney April 24, 2024 You’ve probably seen the picture of Winnie the Pooh with his paw to his head and his face screwed up like a prune, as he tells himself, “Think, think, think.”  For more years than I would like to remember, I…

  • Tips for the Journey of Motherhood

    Karly Wagler April 17, 2024 Moving to a new home or welcoming a new baby are both monumental moments in life, each with its unique joys and challenges. As parents, navigating these changes while raising children requires patience, flexibility, adaptability, and a supportive environment.  Whether it’s packing boxes or preparing a nursery, involving the kids…

  • Why Kids Cheat

    By Joey & Carla Link April 10, 2024 Every parent will have to deal with their kids cheating either in school, work, playing games, trying to take something from someone else or by trying to short-cut a chore or job you have given them.  In recording our 84th podcast “Help, My Kid was Caught Cheating” we…

  • The Importance of a Funnel

    By Kim O’Brien April 3, 2024 Have you ever tried to pour oil into your vehicle without a funnel?  It makes a HUGE mess.  Oil gets everywhere!!!  It is then overwhelming, frustrating, and a lot to clean.  That’s how our children feel when we are parenting outside the funnel.  Joey and Carla often say, “When mom is frustrated, then the…

  • How Do Your Kids View God?

    Joey and Carla Link March 27, 2024 I heard a pastor tell a story about how he was talking to a large group of college age young adults at their weekly service. This particular week he was talking about how God is a loving Heavenly Father. After the meeting, a couple of these young adults…

  • Damaged Trust

    Joey and Carla Link March 20, 2024 To be trustworthy describes something or someone you can believe in, who is completely reliable. When a person consistently demonstrates the following, you can and should trust them. If you don’t have a trusting relationship with your child, the chances of you having a relationship at all with him/her when they become adults is…

  • When Kids Aren’t Teachable

    Joey and Carla Link March 13, 2024 No parent wants to think their child is not smart. But wise king Solomon makes an interesting statement in Proverbs 12:1 (ESV). “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.” “Stupid” is not a word we allowed our kids to say in our home, but there…